Confident and Optimistic

Sun shining through tall grass.

Written by Dr. John Livingston

Tonight at the City Council hearing continuance (6:00pm at Garden City City Hall) may be another tough one for Preserve Plantation. Our neighbors have been incredible in supporting our cause and we now have supporters from the Lake Harbor and Riverside Village neighborhoods. We have several supporters from North Boise so thanks to all.

When we started this campaign less than one year ago we were told and I agreed that we had less than a 5% chance of fighting a large international developer, and agents of that organization acting on their behalf. Mr. Leroy told us that our chances were very slim when we retained him in December of 2022. Our chances have improved greatly since then. Our legal pleadings have gone almost unanswered both before the P&Z and City Council. Tonight may be different during the applicant’s rebuttal phase of the hearing. We will not be given a chance to rebut them.

When we move on to the appeal and the judicial review, both sides will be given an equal legal footing. We will no longer be playing an “away game”.

We continue to be confident in our positions and optimistic of our chances.

Thanks to everyone and thanks for your continued support.

“Steady Even Pressure”


Thank You


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