Read the amended complaint that asks for a District Court Judge to rule on the validity of the words in the Master Declaration Contract.
Let the Games Begin
On January 15, 2025, the Plantation HOA Board voted to remove both the Notice of Violation against The River Club and to withdraw their previous motion for Declaratory Judgement. Read about Preserve Plantation’s next steps.
FORWARD WE GO—It’s A Contract Not A Vote
Read the letter Mr. David Leroy, our attorney, wrote to the current Plantation HOA board members regarding a request to speak at the January 15, 2025 board meeting about the Master Declaration Contract and the Declaratory Judgement.
The Master Declaration Contract Is Alive and Well
Examples of the validity of the Master Declaration Contract (MDC) as it relates to The River Club.
The Other Side of the Story
A response to the “e-mail alert” from the Plantation Homeowners Association (HOA) outlining the course of action(s) the HOA is contemplating regarding the Declaratory Relief Motion (DRM) that has been filed but not served.
Information for the HOA’s New AECC
Read the information the Plantation HOA’s old Architectural and Environmental Control Committee (AECC) provided to the new AECC.
HOA Recording and Minutes of AECC Will Gustafson Meeting
Listen to the recording and read the HOA minutes from the meeting between the AECC and Will Gustafson on July 23, 2024.
Coming Out of Hibernation
Addressing the falsehoods and mistruths that have been promulgated and have been a cause for tension between neighbors in the Plantation community.
A Response to Plantation 1917
Responding to Plantation 1917 and discussing Preserve Plantation Neighborhood’s goals.
A Response to the Opposing Legal Opinion
Clarification of the Master Declaration Contract (MDC) section attributed to the citation by Ms. Bones.
Developers Have the Upper Hand in Idaho
Citizens’ rights are slowly being eroded by developers (and their attorneys) who influence our legislature and by developers who sit on city councils and municipality ruling bodies.
Steady Even Pressure
An update discussing the continued work of Preserve Plantation Neighborhood and the recent changes to the HOA Board.
Meeting Updates
Read about the results of the recent meetings in August—one at City Hall and one at The River Club. Keep informed. There is still work to be done.
Covenants and Contracts
The Preserve Plantation Neighborhood position concerning the Master Declaration Contract (MDC).
Must-Attend Meetings
Please join these must-attend meetings in August. The River Club development is an ongoing project and will take many years to complete, and there is no guarantee that there won’t be additional development on the golf course. We must be aware and stay involved throughout the entire process.
The Petition and Request for Reconsideration
Read the Petition and Request for Reconsideration document written by our attorney, Mr. David Leroy, regarding the SAP application.
Next Steps
A recap of the final decision made by City Council regarding the SAP application and next steps.