Op-Ed in the Idaho Dispatch

“Not in Idaho—Not in Garden City”, an op-ed written by Dr. John Livingston and first published on the Preserve Plantation Neighborhood blog, has been published in the Idaho Dispatch.

We encourage you to read the article and the comments in the Idaho Dispatch here.

Comments on the Idaho Dispatch as of January 17, 2023:

In the 8 years I have been an elected official at ACHD I have yet to be told that citizens cannot or should not reach out to me with their concerns. I haven’t heard of this tactic in any of the cities (or Ada County) with regards to P&Z or electeds. What does happen, however, is what the good Dr explained in terms of “currying favor”. On many occasions, I have addressed this with those wishing to have lunch by letting them know right up front that I cannot discuss specifics of any development or applications and that their lunch invitation comes with nothing in the way of an obligation by me to them. I’ve said the exact same thing with regard to campaign contributions, something that backfired big-time on a couple of contributors just this past November. Two developers (names aren’t of any significance) made contributions as they have done previously knowing that this election cycle a builder’s organization they served on the board of was going to come after me in a big way. The amazingly crooked ways that organization utilized to conduct its negative campaign backfired on them, big-time, and I won re-election. With a smile on my face, I asked those 2 contributors if they thought they’d been buying some kind of “insurance policy”. One admitted that he’d hoped that was the case. To hell with that hope. Maybe I’ll write some kind of op-ed piece with more details down the road, but I hope no “favor” has been curried in Garden City in this case described by Dr. Livingston by anyone or entity. That isn’t the right way to do business, politically or otherwise. It does seem to be an increasingly more common way to get things done here in Idaho, I’m afraid.

—Kent Goldthorpe, Ada County Highway District Commissioner District 4

Thank you for your honest and open response. An Op-Ed piece on your part would be enlightening and helpful. “Working groups are scheduled prior to hearings and citizens are allowed to attend but not participate, while planners and developers continue to communicate with each other almost on a daily basis. The developers have a decided advantage in this process and in our case, it is all legal but still corrupt. Thank you again for your comments. jml

—Dr. John Livingston

…”As citizens of Garden City, we have been told not to directly approach our elected officials or employees at (P&Z) until after addressed actions have been taken!”…

Who told the Citizens this? Why do they have powers over The Citizens?

Right now is the time and the responsibility of The Citizens to organize and overwhelm your elected officials and P&Z.

Don’t sit back, overwhelm all by using your 1st Amendment rights.

—Idaho Seven

Do whatever you can to get control of the situation. I am in CDA, ID and right across the street they have been working on apartments for two years. They tell us there will be 40 apartments plus businesses on the first floor. For 40 units that might equal 80 cars that need to park somewhere, but there is no parking lot. They have already blocked my driveway twice and I had to call the city. What is going to happen when it is completed. It is a mess. It scares me to think that they may force the sale of some of these homes so they can park there cars. Confront your lawmakers now or it will be too late.

—Virginia Williamson


Possible Changes to Garden City’s Parking Code


Not in Idaho — Not in Garden City