Response from Dr. John Livingston

Pen resting on a pad of lined paper.

We appreciate the outreach from Save Plantation, and we would welcome their publishing our response to their most recent post calling into question positions raised in my response to a letter from Mr. Larry Westberg that we posted on our webpage (see the Save Plantation email below). Several other neighbors have likewise complained about Save Plantation not posting their content to the Save Plantation website.

Prior to our most recent meeting with Mr. Gustafson and his attorney Ms. Jo Anne Butler, we offered them the opportunity of having anyone else from Save Plantation, the River Club and specifically Mr. Mark Johnson, who appears to be the “Communications Specialist” handling communications for all parties acting as agents for the applicant, be at the meeting.

We offered specifically for Mr. Johnson to be at the meeting to hear for himself what our position was and will be going into the future. The applicant chose not to bring Mr. Johnson to the meeting. 

There have been numerous obfuscations about our position communicated through Save Plantation, River Club e-mails, and many personal conversations with members coming to our back gate on the 12th hole. We welcome every opportunity to set the record straight.

Our position is simple:

  1. The Master Declaration Contract is operative.

  2. The (SAP) amendment is inconsistent with the State (SUP) Statute and Garden City Comprehensive Code.

  3. The ownership issue is still unresolved and has remained a concern as outlined in a communication from the City Attorney to The City of Garden City in a letter from July of 2022. We offered concessions on many occasions, and our position has remained conciliatory and fluid regarding various “remedies in real estate”. We have yet to receive a response from the applicant regarding our ideas.

Mr. Gustafson’s most recent offer comes almost 2 months after we made a similar offer to the applicant on March 29th of 2022 with lawyers and parties representing the applicant and the objectors present.

The offer was turned down because Mr. Gustafson wants to retain control of the access to Fair Oaks Place exactly as described in the newest amendment to the application.

I cordially invite Save Plantation and the River Club to publish my response.

Our group and our Attorney stand ready and willing to meet with anyone, any place and anytime as the picture below proves.

Thank you in advance for this courtesy.

Respectfully submitted,

John Livingston


Save Plantation Email

Sent Wednesday May 24, 2023 from


Recently Save Plantation sent out an email regarding the Design Alternative to the East End of the Development proposed by Will Gustafson and Lincoln Property Company.  Our email included Gustafson’s email to David Leroy and John Livingston.  It also included a link to the sketch Lincoln provided which showed the change.   Leroy and Livingston accepted the opportunity to meet with Gustafson and discuss the proposal.

In an apparent response to the proposed design alternative Livingston posted a letter on the Preserve Plantation website.  While the letter was actually a response to Larry Westberg’s comments regarding the Fair Oaks area, Livingston offered his position on the SAP and the design alternative. 

Save Plantation wishes to point out to Dr. Livingston that his closing statement that “Will and Save Plantation have refused to publish our position” is a complete misstatement. We cannot speak for Will Gustafson, but Save Plantation has published information regarding the Plantation Golf Course, The River Club, the SAP application, as well as numerous other events that are of interest to members of the River Club and interested citizens.  We have never refused to publish anything from John Livingston or the Preserve Plantation group, in fact we have published 2 letters from their attorney, David Leroy.

Just setting the record straight. 

Save Plantation has strived for almost 5 years to provide everyone with truthful information regarding events affecting the ownership.

Thanks for your support,
Save Plantation Coalition


Surveyors in the Neighborhood


Possible Reopening of Public Comments